Beach Veradero

With an extension of 30 km of which 22 are beaches, Varadero is considered, for its perennial tropical light, its exotic and lush vegetation and the warmth of its waters, one of the main tourist attractions for European travelers. Varadero beach, or Playa Azul, a beautiful place of pink and golden sand and bright water, is considered among the names of the most impressive beaches in the world. Without a doubt, it is the most beautiful of the entire Cuban archipelago.

The Varadero area has nothing of the traditional Cuban seasoning; rather, it resembles the California summer areas and, to a lesser extent, the Canary Islands. The main chains have built luxurious beachfront hotels equipped to satisfy any tourist's desire, which makes Varadero the ideal place for those seeking a well-deserved rest where the beach, cocktails and nightlife prevail.

Varadero began to become known in the 19th century, when the wealthiest families in Cuba discovered their natural potential as a vacation spot; potential appreciated in the fifties by American tourists, when Cuba was under the domain of Fulgencio Batista.

Currently, many Europeans will enjoy the delights of Varadero, fleeing the constant cold of most of the continent.

In addition to the beach and the sun, Varadero has other attractions that make it a very desirable area to spend a few days.


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