
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2019
  CUBA ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯    ✯
BEACHES Beach Veradero With an extension of 30 km of which 22 are beaches, Varadero is considered, for its perennial tropical light, its exotic and lush vegetation and the warmth of its waters, one of the main tourist attractions for European travelers. Varadero beach, or Playa Azul, a beautiful place of pink and golden sand and bright water, is considered among the names of the most impressive beaches in the world. Without a doubt, it is the most beautiful of the entire Cuban archipelago. The Varadero area has nothing of the traditional Cuban seasoning; rather, it resembles the California summer areas and, to a lesser extent, the Canary Islands. The main chains have built luxurious beachfront hotels equipped to satisfy any tourist's desire, which makes Varadero the ideal place for those seeking a well-deserved rest where the beach, cocktails and nightlife prevail. Varadero began to become known in the 19th century, when the wealthiest families
Music Pop music is the genre of popular music that produces the most hits. A hit is a song that sells many copies, and the latest hits are listed every week on the charts . To get on the charts, a song must be released as a single , although most singles are also released on an album .  The  music of Cuba , including its instruments, performance and dance, comprises a large set of unique traditions influenced mostly by west African and European (especially Spanish) music.  Due to the syncretic nature of most of its genres, Cuban music is often considered one of the richest and most influential regional musics of the world. For instance, the son cubano  merges an adapted Spanish guitar (tres), melody, harmony, and lyrical traditions with Afro-Cuban percussion and rhythms. Almost nothing remains of the original native traditions, since the native population was exterminated in the 16th century. Salsa was the fourth innovation based on Cuban music to h
Gastronomy The cuisines in Cuba are mixture of Spanish, African and Caribbean cuisines. The recipes of Cubans are a fusion of Spanish and African cooking with some influence of Caribbean spices and flavor. There are also some Chinese influences mostly in the Havana area but not that quite large. In the Western Cuban cuisines, the main style of cooking is criollo (the term stands for “creole”). It is heavily influenced by European cuisines. The usual meal consists of rice and beans usually cooked together (called Moros y Cristianos). Sometimes it is served separately plus a soup with dark beans on the side. A main course mainly has pork or beef, some vianda (in French it is meat but in Cuba it is more on root vegetables such as potatoes, cassava, squash, sweet potatoes and a wide variety of yams), and a salad. Some Havana dishes make frequent use of alcaparrado, a mix of olives, raisins and caper which provide the sweet-and-sour-inspired flavor that is typical o